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About Us
Brand Story-Making your day special and delight.
在這個繁囂的都市裏,我們希望透過我們的作品, 能夠為您和您的摯愛帶來一點特別、快樂的時刻。 每一件作品,我們都是用心去做, 絕不馬虎, 就如我們的品牌名字一樣"iM-special" 我們深信,每一件作品都是特別的, 希望我們用心製作的產品, 能為客人的生活帶來一點甜。
Flower Products|Scented Candle| Gifts
We hope our products can bring you some memorable, special and delight moments in this hustle and bustle city. Like our brand name "iM-special", we are fully dedicated to produce each handmade product to make them unique and special. Most importantly, bring joy to our customers.
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